JFS Response to Derek Chauvin's Guilty Verdict - JFSSD
Moving Forward Together

Press Releases

JFS Response to Derek Chauvin’s Guilty Verdict

The guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd provides accountability and is a critical step in the right direction, as we recognize that acts of hate, racial oppression, and the dehumanization of people of color continue at devastating rates in our country.

We hope that this verdict is the start of real change—a change in our justice and policing system from the inside out. We must continue to take action and right the wrongs of systemic racism.

As individuals and as an organization we need to continue to listen and learn about these disparities and their impacts on people’s lives in our community. We must address the deep, pervasive systemic issues that lead to these horrific and unacceptable tragedies.

We must build a stronger community rooted in equity and justice—one that supports healing, demands meaningful and transformative action, and moves forward for a better future for all of us. At JFS, we are committed to this pursuit.

We are stronger together, and together, we can make a more equitable and just San Diego for all.

L’shalom (Go towards peace),

Michael Hopkins, MSW
Chief Executive Officer