JFS Statement Re: DACA Ruling in Texas v. United States - JFSSD
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JFS Statement Re: DACA Ruling in Texas v. United States

From Michael Hopkins, CEO of Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Jewish Family Service of San Diego (JFS) condemns last week’s ruling in Texas declaring the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as “unlawful.” This cruel and unnecessary action prevents first-time DACA applications from being adjudicated and puts thousands of our friends, colleagues, and neighbors at greater risk of deportation — many who have never known any home other than the United States.

Together, we stand with the nation’s over 700,000 Dreamers — hardworking Americans who are integral members of our society — and urge Congress to act now to safeguard these individuals. Our nation’s leaders must propose and approve progressive, inclusive legislation that provides pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and ensures their permanent safety and freedom in the U.S.

Since the inception of DACA in June 2012, JFS has assisted over 700 individuals with more than 1,000 DACA applications and renewals. JFS’s Higher Education Legal Services also provides local college communities with pro bono immigration legal services, including for DACA.

With an estimated 40,000 DACA recipients living in our county, we have seen firsthand how Dreamers build a stronger, healthier, more resilient San Diego.

In carrying out our tradition of “Welcoming the Stranger,” we affirm our Jewish values and honor our country’s history as a nation established by refugees and built by generations of immigrants. We have seen firsthand how newcomers strengthen our social fabric and make San Diego — and our country — more prosperous and resilient in a changing world.

To learn more or get help, visit www.jfssd.org/DACA.
