Moving Forward Together

Open RFPs

Request for Information/Questions

RFI 1: Can you provide a copy of the soils report?
Response: JFS Soils Report

RFI 2: In the Requested Submission section #2 it stated the Bid totals must be included on Exhibit A-2; there is no Area for a bid total on that page.
Response: This form is more of a template for general contractor information. A bid total will be included in the contractor’s response.

RFI 3: On Exhibit A-2, it speaks of a Sample Contract that was supposed to be attached to the RFP, I don’t see one in the documents provided in order to review and answer questions related to that.
Response: A Sample Contract was not included in the RFP. The mention of a Sample Contract was listed by mistake.

RFI 4: Please clarify the Intended Start date as requested on one of the questions in Exhibit A-2.
Response: We intend to begin the project as soon as possible.

RFI 5: Please clarify the detail required for a project timeline. Is it a full Gnatt schedule?
Response: Any and all project timeline information that a contractor can provide is appreciated, but a full Gantt Chart schedule is not part of the listed requirements. If a contractor submits a Gantt Chart, it would only be to highlight specific tasks over that given project timeline.

RFI 6: On the Requested Submission Section it states no more than 15 pages, yet the Requested Documents at a minimum take 13 pages, is the 15 including the Notary pages for the bond, Cover page, etc. Or is the 15 pages just the information about our qualifications?
Response: You are encouraged to respond as thoroughly as possible, regardless of page limitation. The page limitation is there in an effort to allow contractors to be as thorough, yet succinct as possible.

RFI 7: In Requested Submission Section #8 it asks for identification of the subcontractor. Are you just looking for contractor names?
Response: If you have subcontractors in mind that they will be using in conjunction with this work, any and all identifying information is appreciated. Please note, all contractors and subcontractors must have an ACTIVE Unique Identifier Number with

Request for Proposal (RFP) #2023-001 for
ADA Restrooms at Balboa Avenue Safe Parking Program (SPP)

Issue Date: 2/16/2022
Bid Due: March 20th, 2023, at 2:00PM
Contract Type: Construction
CDBG Amount: $211,430.00
EDGrants Amount: $70,476.00
Total Contract Amount: $281,906.00
Estimated Completion Date: September 29, 2023
Questions: Jen Thompson, Director of Contract Compliance and Procurement
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 634-0887

Grant Award Numbers:
CFDA: CDBG -14.218
FAIN: B-21-MC-06-0542


The Jewish Family Service of San Diego (“JFS”) requests your participation in a competitive bidding process for the selection of a contractor for a capital improvement project at its Balboa Avenue Safe Parking Program (SPP) located at 8788 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123. Qualified Contractors interested in providing such services (“Respondents”) must demonstrate the ability to perform the work described in the Project Description set forth in this Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) and have significant, prior experience successfully performing comparable work.
This Request is not an offer or commitment to purchase any goods or services or to award or enter into a contract.

RFP Release Date February 16, 2023
RFP Due Date March 20, 2023
Return to 8804 Balboa Ave, SD, CA 92123 by 2PM
Mandatory Project Walk Through February 28, 2023, at 1PM
Last Day for Questions March 17, 2023, at 4PM
Bid Opening March 20, 2023, at 2PM at 8804 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA 92123