Moving Forward Together

Homelessness, Housing, and Measure A

Community Conversation: Homelessness, Housing, and Measure A banner

Date: Thursday, October 15

Tamera Kohler, Chief Executive Officer, Regional Task Force on the Homeless
Sue Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer, Community Housing Works
Stephen Russell, President and Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Housing Federation

Chris Olsen, JFS Director of Public Policy & External Affair

In January 2020, 7,619 persons were identified as homeless in San Diego County during the annual Point-in-Time Count. Of those individuals, 4,887 live within the City of San Diego. At the same time, San Diego continues to be one of the least affordable metro areas in the country. Here at JFS, we have found innovative ways of serving our unsheltered neighbors, including the Safe Parking Program. But what more can we do? And how can we respond in the midst of a pandemic?

This Community Conversation brings together experts from the fields of homelessness, affordable and supportive housing, and the Yes on A – Homes for San Diegans campaign, an affordable housing bond that will be on the November 3 ballot and which JFS has endorsed.

Community Conversation Resources

Sue Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer, Community Housing Works


Stephen Russell, President and Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Housing Federation

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