Moving Forward Together

The Impact of COVID-19 in the Latinx and Middle Eastern Communities

The Impact of Covid-19 in the Latinx and Middle Eastern Communities graphic

Date: Tuesday, July 21

Aous Al-Habbar, Trainer at the National Conflict Resolution Center and Director at San Diego Islamic Center East County
Laura Gonzalez Garcia, Parent Liaison Bilingual, Valley Elementary School – Poway Unified School District
Liliana Osorio, MPH, Director at Health Initiative of the Americas, University of California Berkley, School of Public Health
Nadia Zamani, Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist, Downtown Impact (Community Research Foundation)
Wael Al-Delaimy MD PhD, Professor of Public Health, UC San Diego

Fernando Parra Chong, Outreach Coordinator for Latinx Community, Jewish Family Service
Lily Mojdehi, Outreach Coordinator for Middle Eastern Community, Jewish Family Services

San Diego is home to large and diverse immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking communities. While COVID-19 crisis affects us all, communities of color, working-class communities, and immigrant communities are often on the front lines of public health crises without the proper resources or support systems they need to weather the storm.

This Community Conversation will bring together providers from across the Latinx and Middle Eastern communities to discuss the emotional, economic, and public health impact COVID-19 has had in these communities and how these two immigrant communities have maintained resiliency and hope during this pandemic.

Community Conversation Resources

Breaking Down Barriers

  • To stay up to date on the latest events and community resources, follow Breaking Down Barriers on Facebook or Instagram.


Laura Gonzales Garcia, Poway Unified School District


Liliana Osorio, Health Initiative of the Americas


Nadia Zamani, Downtown IMPACT, Community Research Foundation


Other Resources:

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